
Be aware that during washing wool loses up to 50% of its weight. Minimally it generally loses 25% of weight. All prices are based on unwashed weights. I recommend that all fleeces come in fully skirted to save you money. I will skirt as necessary. Any fleeces with moths will be discarded immediately. Please check your wool before sending.

Skirting - $2.50 pound

Washing - $11.00 per pound this includes presoak, 2 washes and a rinse. There is a Fine wool upcharge of $2.50 per pound.

Dyeing and Blending - $2.00 per pound. Add ins are extra and range in price from 1.90 – 2.80 depending on the add in.

Roving - $18 per pound includes the washing. Again, there is a $2.50 fine wool upcharge.

The actual mill location is 10426 US 19 N, Port Richey, FL  34668.  This location is not manned during regular business hours and all correspondence and shipping should be made to the the Little Road address.

Contact me for Wool Processing Request

Within your message, please tell us the breed, staple, length, number of fleeces and weight of the wool that you wish to have processed.

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Your message has been sent successfully, I hope to respond within 24 hours. You can also contact us through social media, links can be found below!